You may have come across grubs in your lawn while expanding a flowerbed or planting a tree. They are the white, C-shaped larvae of scarab beetles, which include June bugs and Japanese Beetles. Grubs can be serious pests for the home lawn. A grub infestation not only damages the roots of your grass and a high concentration of grubs will attract animals such as skunks or raccoons that will further damage your lawn by digging.It is important to follow a lawn treatment program to keep your lawn green and healthy as a preventative measure. Check Bubs n Grubs for details. Healthy lawns tolerate a grub infestation much better than lawns in poor condition. A professional lawn-care service can engineer a program to ensure that you have the healthiest lawn possible.Generally, the adult beetles typically emerge in Late May or early June. Then they mate and lay eggs from the end of June until early August. It only takes about two weeks for the eggs to hatch. The resulting tiny, destructive grubs grow quickly. Some species of scarab beetles, like the June bug, actually have a three-year life cycle. Still, all of these species do the same type of damage. Someone with a severe infestation will start to notice yellow, dying patches of sod in an otherwise healthy lawn in July or August.Homeowners can check to see if they have a grub infestation by examining these dead patches of sod. Pull back the affected area to check the root zone, particularly the marginal areas where the dead and dying grass meets the green grass. Ten or more grubs per square foot will lead to serious damage in your lawn. Another sign to look for are areas that have been dug up by skunks or raccoons, who feed on the grubs at night. Moles may or may not eat grubs so they are not a reliable indicator.Not all brown patches are caused by grubs, so it is important to establish that you actually do have a white grub infestation before beginning treatment. Watch your lawn closely for signs of grub damage, especially the areas that are irrigated, so you can catch the grubs early.Insecticides such can be applied as soon as the grubs are first discovered. This should help prevent large-scale damage. Other insecticides can be applied in late July in lawns likely to have a grub infestation. If you notice a lot of adult beetles, this may be a warning sign that a grub problem may be on the verge of occurring. All of these insecticides should be watered into the lawn for best results. If you have a lot of thatch in your lawn you will want to water it in particularly well because sometimes the insecticides get bound up in the thatch layer.Organic controls can also be used on a grub problem. Nematodes have been shown to be an successful way of controlling grubs. The nematode is a tiny, unsegmented worm that searches out the grub. It then burrows into the grub, releasing a bacteria that kills the grub. If you are interested in organic lawn care, this may be worth a try. You must keep your lawn very moist while using the nematodes.It is still important to catch the grubs early in the season before they grow too large. No matter what type of control you use, larger grubs are harder to kill. If you're still left with brown patches in your yard after you've conquered your grub problem, you lawn will require some renovation. Pay special attention to the damaged areas by fertilizing and watering the area well.Adjust your mowing height to three inches to help the grass grow back. Keeping up on your lawn maintenance will ensure a healthy lawn, making a severe grub problem less likely in the future. For a worry-free lawn maintenance experience, call a reputable lawn care provider that can set up a lawn treatment program customized to meet your needs.    More details on our webpage.       

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